This reminds me of the 1984 election in Nickel Belt. Liberal incumbent and Trudeau cabinet minister Judy Erola was running against former NDP MP John "chi-chi" Rodriguez. I know that a lot of Tories voted for Chi-chi rather than Erola. My father's logic on this was impeccable. Rodriquez was already eligible for his lifetime MP pension, and Erola would be if she won election again, so it made more sense to vote for the commie we were already paying than the one that we were going to end up paying forever. No use in wasting taxpayer money on two MP lifetime salaries when one would do.
It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener.
Friday, December 30, 2005
The situation up in Sudbury
This reminds me of the 1984 election in Nickel Belt. Liberal incumbent and Trudeau cabinet minister Judy Erola was running against former NDP MP John "chi-chi" Rodriguez. I know that a lot of Tories voted for Chi-chi rather than Erola. My father's logic on this was impeccable. Rodriquez was already eligible for his lifetime MP pension, and Erola would be if she won election again, so it made more sense to vote for the commie we were already paying than the one that we were going to end up paying forever. No use in wasting taxpayer money on two MP lifetime salaries when one would do.
How long until the SEC investigates the IT scandal
Richard Nesbitt, CEO TSX Group: According to CTV, Nesbitt purchased $759,000 worth of stocks hours before the announcement and made $100,000 in profit the next day. However, he could not be reached for comment, yet his spokesman said that he was only filling up his core holdings before the calendar year end.Since a lot of these companies trade on the NASDAQ or NYSE as well as on the TSE, it is coming imperative that the SEC investigate this matter as well, since it would not help the integrity of U.S. markets if everyone knew that any stock that was dual listed on the TSE was prone to manipulation. Sadly, I cannot trust the RCMP on this matter, as they have had a history of slacking off when it suited their political masters. The U.S. will have to do the heavy lifting, and all they will get for it will be ingratitude.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Media hand wringing and inexcusable behaviour
At first they failed to say the suspects were "Black Males" so as to limit outcry that all black males are criminals and gangsters and thugs. However, as Jean Chretien would say "the proof is in the proof is in the proof, is in the proof" or something like that. Look at the statistics, of all the homicides in Toronto, the suspects are disproportionately Black. I am not suggesting all black people in Toronto are thugs or criminals. However, we must acknowledge that a certain 'gang mentality' exists within a certain subset of society that is only encouraged by gangster rap, which we are too scared to denounce.Go figure. The media has once again ignored the facts - who the perpetrators are, how this is the third gun incident in the Yonge/Dundas area, and how all the handguns are illegal to begin with. All they do is bitch and moan about how Toronto has "lost its innocence" and how David Miller and socialist sycophants bemoan the lack of midnight basketball and demand more money to be thrown at the situation. To make matters worse, if that shot off-duty police officer was allowed to carry his handgun while off duty (which they are allowed to do in the U.S. since police officers are never really 'off duty' to perform their sworn duties), perhaps the carnage would have been limited. Then again, if that officer, who I hope has a speedy recovery, did stop them, he would be raked over the hot coals as an out of control racist oppressor.
I find it hilarious how PM Paul Martin and Toronto Mayer David Miller blame the shootings on 'poverty' and 'exclusion' in society. Paul Martin also openly blames the gang violence and shootings in Toronto on the United States terrible gun laws and how guns are leaking across the border into Canada into the hands of criminals. I find this assessment funny. Doesn't the United States have similar qualms with Canada's lax Drug laws, and how the decriminalization of Marijuana is leading to the export of cannabis to the homes of the United States? Of Course this hypocrisy is too complicated for most 'feeble minded' Liberals to understand.
Pathetic, how Toronto liberals deal with real problems. Canada needs a Rudolph Giuliani to fix this problem once and for all. For more on this too, read this post from the Other Club on gun crime in Canada - Herschblogger hits a home run on this matter too!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The Pravda on day care
Friday, December 23, 2005
Oh Irony!

Stephen Taylor has a link whereby Tory operatives have found copies of future Liberal attack ads. I found this one on the left particularly funny. Obviously, the Liberals have decided to compare Stephen Harper to Mike Harris, thinking that Harris is unpopular in Ontario.
- Mike Harris: Cut taxes 30%, took a massive deficit inherited from the NDP and balanced the books. Got rid of cash grabs like photo radar. Relatively clean government.
- Dalton McGuinty: Promised not to raise or cut taxes and then hit taxpayers with a huge health care premium tax. Broke dozens of campaign promises on matters like hydro, adoption, balance books to name a few. Panders to public sector unions at taxpayer expense. Does a lot of "reforms" that are symbolic in nature but are ineffective at best or harmful at worst. Soft on crime. Finance minister resigned when named in an OSC investigation.
- Paul Martin: Broke many campaign promises, both as PM and as finance minister. Panders to special interests with huge government spending promises at expense of taxpayers. Makes a lot of "reforms" that are symbolic in nature but are ineffective at best or harmful at worst. Soft on crime. Party riddled with corruption allegations. Finance minister potential target of OSC investigation.
So based on this information, my rebuttal ads would show the records of McGuinty and Martin side by side - showing some of the items above with the question: "Is Paul Martin the Dalton McGuinty of Canada or is Dalton McGuinty the Paul Martin of Ontario."
Saturday, December 17, 2005
If the U.S. really wanted to show Canada that friendship isn't a one way street
- Require all Canadians entering the U.S to present a passport. Wait, that has been done and it kicks in January 2007. The $100 I had to spend on a new passport can be called the: "Liberals George Bush bashing tax". Minor inconvenience and cash outlay, but still a poignant gesture.
- Ban Toronto garbage from crossing the border for "national security purposes". There is a house bill that allows the states to prohibit the importation of garbage from foreign countries. Once that is passed, I know the State of Michigan will do it. I'm in favour of this regardless, as those commies in Toronto City Hall should be taught a lesson of the hypocrisy on their garbage policy. Plus I bet this gets support in Canada, as everyone knows, Toronto bashing is sporting outside of the GTA.
- If the U.S. finds another terrorist suspect on U.S. soil that was a refugee claimant in Canada, then it gets nasty. It could get to the point where all cargo is thoroughly inspected entering the country - which grinds the economy to a halt, especially in Ontario, or requiring Canadian visitors to get a visa - which would really screw things up. This is unlikely, as the economy of a lot of states like Ohio, Michigan, New York would be severely impacted.
- My favourite is to offer green cards to all Canadian doctors, engineers, and scientists, and turn the brain drain from a small leak to a torrent. Rob Canada of its best and brightest and allow them to 'vote with their feet' (like me) and escape Trudopia once and for all. This helps the U.S. economy by bringing in desperately needed skills and builds the economy all while sticking it to the Canadian government at the same time.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Reaping what you have sown
This will probably be the first of many articles coming out on this topic in the U.S. The passport requirement for Canadian citizens travelling to the U.S is the first step of many that are going to be taken. Softwood and beef could have been resolved a lot quicker if the Canadian government decided to be helpful rather than being an irritant. Paul Martin and also make as many threats as he wants to the U.S. for 'retaliation', but the only people who will be hurt by it are Canadian workers dependent on access to the U.S. economy. If PMPM decides to wrap the flag around him and make the election a referendum on GWB, he will be risking the economic prosperity of the country as a crass political ploy.The ambassador's point raises a larger question: Can Canada really be considered our "friend" anymore? As someone whose family comes from Canada, a country I grew up loving as a child, it pains me to ask the question. That said, what other question can be asked when the Canadian government not only willingly allows Islamic terrorists into their country, but does nothing to stop them from entering our nation.
Two cases in point out of many. The first being in December 1999, when al Qaeda operative Ahmed Ressam entered the United States from Canada. By luck, he was arrested with a trunk full of explosives. His mission: to blow up Los Angeles International Airport. Next were two Pakistani men on the "no fly" list, with possible terrorist connections, who were arrested in Seattle. They were caught buying one-way tickets to New York City with cash. How did these potential terrorists get into our country? From Canada. One of the men even had a driver's license from British Columbia.
For years, our intelligence services have warned and even begged Canadian officials to do something about its dangerous open immigration policies. Immigration policies
that continually allow highly suspicious people into Canada with a free shot at the United States. U.S. politicians from both sides of the aisle have joined with U.S. law enforcement personnel to ask Canada to address this growing security threat. In response, Canadian politicians from the left have basically said, "Drop dead." We may yet. And how tragic it would be if the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans came at the hands of a terrorist that Canada willingly allowed into their country....Our once great friend is turning against us. Common sense and our national security dictate that we can no longer afford to ignore that fact.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Looks like I'm a bit behind
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Liberal Party consolidates it propaganda wing
- Global and National Post - owned by former leader of Manitoba Liberal
- Toronto Star - owned by Liberal bagman
- Globe and Mail, CTV - controlled by Liberal bagman
- CBC -dependent on the ruling party for its largesse.
And don't get me started on OTPP. Yes, it is a well run pension plan for its members, but due to Canadian content rules for it's portfolio, the plan has its fingers in way too many pies in this country, and if they ever decided to really get political, they could really mess up the economy. Look at Quebec's public sector pension plans - which is on some levels a separatist slush fund.
If one defines fascism as the intertwining of state and corporate interests as a ruling structure, Canada is starting to look more like Mussolini's Italy than a free society.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
My "daycare" solution
Maybe I should take off my tinfoil hat soon.
The pettiness of Local Government
First week of the Canadian Election
The insider trading thing will not go far I suppose, even though there is a lot of prima facie evidence to show market manipulation, it is a tough case to prove in court. Second, I have no faith in the OSC and the RCMP, who are both compromised. The OSC proved it with the ongoing investigation to Royal Technologies, on whose board sat Greg Sorbara, the now former Treasurer for the province of Ontario. Both bodies have illustrated a penchant for looking the other way when their political masters are in trouble.
I expect things to pick up in after the holidays, and things should get pretty nasty soon.