I was in Myrtle Beach, SC and Jacksonville, FL last week, so I just recently found out about Harper's gambit with a House of Commons resolution declaring Quebec a "nation" within Canada. I find this to be sophomoric and sad, as this is another blow to the unity of Canada as it is currently construed.
This ultimately can be seen as an assault on the equality of all Canadians under the law. Some court, or Quebec politician will use this resolution to obtain special benefits at the expense of all other Canadians. But the larger question is, if Quebec is a nation, why stay in Canada? They is no compelling reason for them to ultimately stay. If you are a nation, then independence is logical conclusion. Second, if I'm an Albertan, why am I not a nation? I think they have more of a case to be made that they are just as "distinct" as Quebec, and entitled to the same perks as Quebec.
Bad politics, bad precedence.
This ultimately can be seen as an assault on the equality of all Canadians under the law. Some court, or Quebec politician will use this resolution to obtain special benefits at the expense of all other Canadians. But the larger question is, if Quebec is a nation, why stay in Canada? They is no compelling reason for them to ultimately stay. If you are a nation, then independence is logical conclusion. Second, if I'm an Albertan, why am I not a nation? I think they have more of a case to be made that they are just as "distinct" as Quebec, and entitled to the same perks as Quebec.
Bad politics, bad precedence.
I've been hoping Alberta would secede for some time.
What better place for Galt's Gulch than the Independent Republic of Alberta?
I don't quite get the point. Many canadian nations are already recognized (the Metis)or to be recognized ( all Aboriginal tribes or nations)in the multi cultural canadian mosaic; not to mention the Chinese and Haitian people represented by recent G.Governors A.Clarkson and M.Jean. Moreover Canada is a federation and by being such- by definition- it must have the identity of the Provinces it federates. And too bad for those who dreamt that it could be otherwise.
The point I am trying to make is that on a cultural point, confederation was/is to a degree a union of disparate peoples/nations to form a larger Dominion. The point is that making a legal distinction via a resolution in parliament can lead to unintended legal consequences considering the history of the Supreme Court in this Charter of Rights era.
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